Publications |
01/10/13 |
Refereed papers published17. Ferraro D.O., Ghersa, C.M. 2013. Fuzzy assessment of herbicide resistance risk: Glyphosate-resistant johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers, in Argentina's croplands. Crop Protection 51: 32-39. IF2012: 1.596 16. Dacunto, L., Semmartin, M., Ferraro, D.O., Ghersa, C.M. 2012. Effects of cultivar and irrigated water quality on sugarcane residue decomposition. Communications in soil science and plant analysis (in press). IF2012: 0.642 15. Ferraro D.O. 2012. Energy use in cropping systems: a regional long-term exploratory analysis of energy allocation and efficiency in the Inland Pampa (Argentina). Energy 44 (1): 490-497. IF2012: 3.56 13. Ferraro D.O., Ghersa, C.M. and Rivero, D.E. 2012. Weed vegetation of sugarcane cropping systems of Northern Argentina: data mining methods for assessing the environmental and management effects on species composition. Weed Science 60, 27-33. IF2011: 1.53 12. Manuel-Navarrete, D., G. Gallopín, M. Blanco, M. Díaz-Zorita, D.O. Ferraro, H. Herzer, P. Laterra, M.R. Murmis, G. Podestá, J. Rabinovich, E.H. Satorre, F. Torres, E. Viglizzo. 2009. Multi-causal and integrated assessment of sustainability: the case of agriculturization in the Argentine Pampas. Environment, Development and Sustainability 11 (3): 612-638. IF2009: 0.84 11. Ferraro D.O., Rivero, D.E., y Ghersa, C.M. 2009. An analysis of the factors that influence sugarcane yield in Northern Argentina using classification and regression trees. Field Crops Research 112: 149-157. IF2009: 2.54 10. Ferraro, D.O. 2009. Fuzzy knowledge-based model for soil condition assessment in Argentinean cropping systems, Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (3): 359-370. IF2009: 3.085 9. Ferraro, D.O. 2008. Evaluación exergética de la producción de etanol en base a grano de maíz: un estudio de caso en la Región Pampeana (Argentina). Ecología Austral 18 (3): 323-336. IF2008: 0.35 8. Ferraro D.O., and C.M. Ghersa. 2007. Quantifying the crop management influence on arable soil condition in the Inland Pampa (Argentina). Geoderma 141 (1-2): 43-52. (ISSN: 0016-7061). IF2007: 2.1 7. Ferraro, D.O., and C.M. Ghersa. 2007. Exploring the natural and human-induced effects on the assemblage of soil microarthropod communities in Argentina. European Journal of Soil Biology 43:109-119. (ISSN: 1164-5563). IF2007: 0.6 6. Ferraro D.O., G.A. Sznaider and C.M. Ghersa. 2003. Evaluation of environmental impact indicators using fuzzy logic to assess the mixed cropping systems of the Inland Pampa, Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 96 (1-3): 1-18. IF2003: 1.52 5. Ferraro, D.O., and M. Oesterheld. 2002. Effect of defoliation on grass growth. A quantitative review. Oikos 98 (1):125-133. IF2002: 2.6 4. Ghersa, C.M., D.O. Ferraro, M. Omacini, M.A. Martinez-Ghersa, S. Perelman, y E. H. Satorre. 2002. Farm and landscape level variables as indicators of sustainable land-use in the Argentine Inland-Pampa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 93 (1-3): 279-293. IF2002: 1.45 3. Martínez-Ghersa, M.A., C.M. Ghersa, S.R. Radosevich and D.O. Ferraro. 2001. Environmental Modification as a Tool to Reduce Winter Wheat Losses Caused by Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). European Journal of Agronomy 14: 61-74. IF2001: 0.95 2. Ferraro D.O., and D. Pimentel. 2000. Pesticide use in agroecosystems: a review of its effects on the structure and functions of soil organisms. Pesticides, People and Nature 2 (2): 79-91. 1. Ghersa, C.M., Omacini, M., Ferraro, D.O., Martínez-Ghersa M.A., Perelman, S., Satorre, E.H. y Soriano, A. 1999. Sustentabilidad de los sistemas mixtos de producción en la pampa interior. Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 20 (1): 1-17. Book chaptersFerraro, D.O. 2011. Eficiencia energética y servicios ecosistémicos, en: Laterra, P., E. Jobbágy y J. Paruelo (Eds.). Laterra, P., E. Jobbágy y J. Paruelo (Eds.). Valoración de Servicios Ecosistémicos. Conceptos, herramientas y aplicaciones para el ordenamiento territorial. Ediciones INTA. 740 pp. ISBN: 978-987-679-018-5. Ferraro, D.O., Gervasio Piñeiro, Pedro Laterra, Andrea Nogués y Jorge de Prada. 2011. Aproximaciones y herramientas para la evaluación de servicios ecosistémicos. Laterra, P., E. Jobbágy y J. Paruelo (Eds.). Valoración de Servicios Ecosistémicos. Conceptos, herramientas y aplicaciones para el ordenamiento territorial. Ediciones INTA. 740 pp. ISBN: 978-987-679-018-5. Ferraro, D.O. 2007. Energy cost/use in pesticide production. In: Encyclopedia of Pest Management, D. Pimentel (ed.). Pages: 153-156. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. ISBN: 13-978-1-4200-5361-6 (Hardcover). Meeting AbstractsBenzi, P. y Ferraro, D.O. Emergy assessment of cropping systems in the Pampa region, Argentina. 4TH Ecosummit 2012. Ecological Sustainability: Restoring the Planet’s Ecosystem Services. 30 Septiembre - 05 Octubre 2012. Columbus, Ohio, EE.UU. Ferraro, D.O. 2011. Benchmarking crop systems according to energy-efficiency in the Inland Pampa (Argentina). 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture – 26 and 29 of September 2011. Brisbane, Australia. Ferraro, D.O. 2010 Ecotoxicological risk assessment of agriculture intensification in Argentinean cropping lands using a fuzzy-logic based model. 95th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (August 1 -- 6, 2010). Pittsburgh, USA. Poster Ghersa, C.M y Ferraro, D.O. 2010. Mapping biozones with different risk for the occurrence of glyphosate resistance in Johnsongrass. Pan American Weed Conference (January 19 – 21). Miami, USA. Poster Ferraro, D.O..; Rositano, F.; Bert, F. y Favre, C. 2010. Uso de conocimiento experto en la elaboración de sistemas de riesgo ambiental para agroecosistemas. IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología – XXIV Reunión Argentina de Ecología – XVII Reunión de la Sociedad de Ecología de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 08-13 de agosto de 2010. Poster López, M. y Ferraro, D.O.. 2010. Demanda ambiental y flujos de materia y energía en la interfase urbana-rural: un caso de estudio en Charata, Chaco (Argentina). IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología – XXIV Reunión Argentina de Ecología – XVII Reunión de la Sociedad de Ecología de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 08-13 de agosto de 2010. Poster. Rositano, F. y Ferraro, D.O.. 2010. Provisión de servicios de los ecosistemas: análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo en agroecosistemas. IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología – XXIV Reunión Argentina de Ecología – XVII Reunión de la Sociedad de Ecología de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 08-13 de agosto de 2010. Presentación oral. Bindraban, PS, AC Franke, DO Ferraro, CM Ghersa, LAP Lotz, A Nepomuceno MJM Smulders, CCM van de Wiel. 2009. GMO-related sustainability: A study on impacts, risks and opportunities of soybean production in Latin America. Proceedings of the World Soybean Research Conference VIII, August 10-15, 2009, Beijing, China. Rositano, F., Ferraro, D.O.. 2009. Conceptual and Bayesian networks: two new methodologies to analyze the provision of ecosystem services in agroecosystems. ISEM 2009 Conference: Ecological Modelling for Enhanced Sustainability in Management. Laval University, Québec City, Canada. 6-9 de octubre de 2009. Poster Ferraro D.O. 2008. Data mining using k-means clustering and classification and regression trees (CART) as post-processing methods: identifying management and environmental factors for explaining sugarcane yield in Northern Argentina (1971-2005). Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0, pag: 1959-1960. Barcelona, Catalonia. July 7-10, 2008. Presentación oral. Ferraro D.O., D.E. Rivero, and C.M. Ghersa. 2008. Factors affecting weed community dynamics in sugarcane cropping systems of Northern Argentina. V International Weed Science Congress. Vancouver, Canada. 23-27 June 2008. Poster Ferraro, D.O..; Suarez, S.A.; de la Fuente, E.B.; Poggio, S.L.; García, W.; León, R.J.C.; and Ghersa, C.M. Environmental and management effects on the composition of weed communities from the rolling and Inland Pampa, Argentina. IV International Weed Science Congress. Durban, South Africa. 20-24 June 2004. Poster. Gundel, P.E.; Martinez-Ghersa, M.A.; Ghersa, C.M., Vila Aiub, MM. and Ferraro, D.O.. Resistance to diclofop-methyl in Lolium multiflorum: selection history and tradeoffs between resistance and growth. IV International Weed Science Congress. Durban, South Africa. 20-24 June 2004. Poster Ferraro, D.O.. and Sznaider, GA, Fuzzy logic to assess herbicide use impact on farm sustainability. III International Weed Science Congress. Iguassu Falls, Brazil. 6-11 June 2000. Poster
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