Planifican acciones para la producción y conservación en humedales del Bajo Delta del Paraná y la Cuenca del río Luján

En FAUBA se realizó la primera reunión con referentes de organizaciones públicas y privadas para trabajar en la producción y conservación en humedales. Se proyectaron acciones territoriales relacionadas a la producción, conservación e investigación, incluyendo los aspectos sociales inherentes a los pobladores locales.

El 14 de abril se realizó en Consejo Directivo de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UBA la mesa de trabajo para la planificación conjunta de acciones de producción y conservación en humedales del Bajo Delta del Paraná y Cuenca del río Luján.

El encuentro se llevó a cabo en el marco del proyecto de Gestión Forestal Sostenible y participaron más de 40 referentes de FAUBA, INTA Delta, Parque Nacional Ciervo de los Pantanos, Papel Prensa S.A., Arauco S.A., Fundación Temaikèn, Asociación Civil Germinar, Fundación Humedales, Proyecto Pantano, Universidad Nacional del Delta (UNDelta), Consejo de Productores del Delta (CONPRODEL), Asociación Forestal Argentina (AFoA), estudiantes, docentes e investigadores.

En la reunión se expusieron los distintos enfoques e intereses con el fin de articular y fortalecer el trabajo en conjunto compatibilizando e integrando las acciones territoriales desde la producción, la conservación y la investigación, incluyendo los aspectos sociales inherentes a los pobladores locales. Se compartieron experiencias, identificaron objetivos comunes y exploraron acciones conjuntas para avanzar hacia un modelo de gestión forestal sostenible en el Delta del Paraná y la Cuenca del río Luján.

Desde los intercambios fue notoria la necesidad de profundizar en un trabajo articulado entre las organizaciones teniendo en cuenta el abordaje de problemáticas de quienes habitan, producen y trabajan para la conservación de los humedales del Bajo Delta y río Luján. Fue común el interés en enfocarse en la conservación más allá de las distintas figuras de áreas protegidas, haciéndolo extensivo a territorios productivos donde se puede producir conservando y conservar produciendo.

Esta mesa de trabajo busca mantenerse en el tiempo como un espacio de intercambio y, a su vez, deja abierta la posibilidad de involucrar nuevos actores interesados en la temática. Los referentes están convencidos que los encuentros pueden convertirse en una herramienta eficaz para la toma de decisiones no sólo dentro y entre las organizaciones, sino también para acompañar políticas públicas que puedan atender distintas demandas de la región.




Donna (no verificado)     Sáb, 01/06/2024 - 16:06

People often want to find out what their partners or their children or other loved ones are doing in their absence. This would have been impossible some years back, but with technology progressing like it is and cell phones being the one thing that everyone always takes special care to have with them. Well lets just say it is very much within the realms of possibility. Contact ((HACKSOLUTION7)(@)(GMAIL).(COM) to help catch my cheating spouse,he delivered as was promised he is really a genius,he also does P.I jobs, clears your record, Upgrade Credit Score, find lost passwords,I love him and his work. you should try it. Good luck . bd

Anthony Lucas (no verificado)     Dom, 09/06/2024 - 19:59

After $317,800 of my crypto assets were stolen, I contacted Coin Recovery Specialists at CoinRecoverySpecialists@Gmail.Com for help. Their prompt action and meticulous blockchain analysis led to the recovery of my assets, along with legal actions against the perpetrators. Their professionalism and dedication were remarkable. If you face a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to Coin Recovery Specialists via Email : CoinRecoverySpecialists@Gmail.Com Or WhatsApp +447442036436 for expert assistance in recovering your stolen crypto assets..

lucas handle (no verificado)     Mar, 18/06/2024 - 05:35

En respuesta a por Anthony Lucas (no verificado)

I was scammed by a binary option website iq options to be exact. I lost about $253,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all i had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that i will make profit from the investment.. I was referred to LEONALDMCCALLWIZARD  , they are recovery specialists for all types of online scams, they helped me in recovering all my lost funds I couldn’t believe at first that this was possible as i have lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet, but i guess not everyone is bad after all. You can reach them on (  @financewizard001 

DR SHAWN WILLIAMS (no verificado)     Dom, 16/06/2024 - 21:09

IT WAS A LONG YEAR 2023 for us FIGHTING INTERNET FRAUDSTER to get beck your Stolen Fund.
It was a big massive success in helping you guys recover and retrieved your lost fund or Cryptocurrency back to you, for some of you that we couldnt help out we are sorry we couldnt, the issue was that they have been use to purchase goods or items in a renounce company that accept Crypto as a form of payment. In that case we can not Retrieved it from their.
2024 We are back on it.
We promise to do better than our previous year, we give Solution to every problem concerning INTERNET and guide you right to a positive fund Recovery etc.

Easy answer. How long it takes your Cryptocurrency to be recovered depend on you.
The fact is that they are a lot of fake binary investment companies platforms, same a lot fake recovery companies and agents too.
1). Make sure you asked one or two questions concerning the service and how they render there recovery services


2) Do not give out your scammed details to any agent or hacker when you know you are not yet ready to recover your stolen fund, be on the safe side.

3) do not make any payment when you are not sure of the service. Have it in mind that no Recovery that is free cost, stop allowing yourself to get scammed again by this fake agent.

(4) We discovered that all what they are after is to get hold of your scammed detail, then bring them to us for possible recovery, because they can afford the service charge.

5) As long you are with your scamming details you can recovered your fund back anytime any day.
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violet hazeman (no verificado)     Jue, 20/06/2024 - 11:45


WARNING: Scammers BEWARE! I’m about to share a jaw-dropping story of how I got scammed out of $64,000 in a cryptocurrency investment that promised me a return of $124,000… but then I found coinsrecoveryworldwide!. As a woman who was already recovering from kidney surgery, I was blindsided by the news that my investment was a scam. I was left feeling helpless, stressed, and worried about how I’d pay for my medical expenses. But then I stumbled upon coinsrecoveryworldwide, and they changed everything. With their expertise and determination, they worked tirelessly to recover not only my initial investment but also the promised profit. It’s been a game-changer for me, and I’m so grateful to have my money back. If you’re a victim of a scam or are struggling to recover your losses, don’t give up hope. coinsrecoveryworldwide is a team of dedicated professionals who will stop at nothing to get you back on track. Trust me, you won’t regret reaching out to them. They’re the real deal!”



Marwan Atsma (no verificado)     Jue, 20/06/2024 - 21:17


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Jane Willie (no verificado)     Vie, 21/06/2024 - 12:28

No loss... no recovery, I can't keep quiet guys, my heart is full of joy and happiness right now... I thought that my life had come to an end after losing all my life savings in the hands of criminals called scammers, I have been saving some money in my Bitcoin wallet hoping to buy a house before my retirement as a nurse but one black Friday I saw an advert on a platform on how to invest bitcoins online and get double of your money but not knowing it was all liars, and I decided to give it a try and put all my life savings but to my greatest surprise, I can't reach out to them anymore, so a friend of mine introduced to me REVENANT CYBER HACKER that I should contact them which I did but guess what? I recovered all I had lost through REVENANT CYBER HACKER, I'm the happiest woman on earth, please if found yourself in such a condition do not panic just contact REVENANT CYBER HACKER they are the best in recovering service
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Jane Willie (no verificado)     Vie, 21/06/2024 - 12:28

No loss... no recovery, I can't keep quiet guys, my heart is full of joy and happiness right now... I thought that my life had come to an end after losing all my life savings in the hands of criminals called scammers, I have been saving some money in my Bitcoin wallet hoping to buy a house before my retirement as a nurse but one black Friday I saw an advert on a platform on how to invest bitcoins online and get double of your money but not knowing it was all liars, and I decided to give it a try and put all my life savings but to my greatest surprise, I can't reach out to them anymore, so a friend of mine introduced to me REVENANT CYBER HACKER that I should contact them which I did but guess what? I recovered all I had lost through REVENANT CYBER HACKER, I'm the happiest woman on earth, please if found yourself in such a condition do not panic just contact REVENANT CYBER HACKER they are the best in recovering service
Telegram: @revenantcyberhacker
WhatsApp: +1 (913) 820-0739
(OR ) +1(208) 425-8584

Jennifer Pierce (no verificado)     Dom, 23/06/2024 - 11:33

The notorious "Bitcoin Bandit" had eluded authorities for years, amassing a massive digital fortune by hacking into cryptocurrency exchanges and digital wallets. But the tides have finally turned, as an elite team of cybersecurity experts and blockchain analysts, known as the "Cyber Genie Hack Pro" has managed to track down and recover money from these hackers and fake crypto exchanges. The operation was a masterclass in high-tech sleuthing, with the team painstakingly tracing the complex web of anonymous transactions and shell companies used by the Bitcoin Bandit to hide his tracks. Through advanced forensic blockchain analysis, intelligent pattern recognition, and sheer dogged determination, they could follow the digital breadcrumbs back to the hacker's secret lair. Once the crypto bandit's identity and location were uncovered, a carefully coordinated sting operation was launched, catching the unsuspecting criminal off guard and allowing authorities to seize every last satoshi of his ill-gotten gains. This landmark victory is a major win not just for the victims who will be compensated, but for the entire cryptocurrency community, sending a clear message that even the wiliest cyber-thieves cannot evade justice forever. The "Cyber Genie Hack Pro" team has proven that with enough skill, resources, and perseverance, even the most sophisticated digital heists can be unraveled and the stolen funds returned to their rightful owners. I was a victim of crypto theft, and having given "Cyber genie hack pro" the chance to help, I was glad they did as they promised me. I just wanted to let you know that this professional hacker and private investigators team is always on standby to help you.

cindy byrd (no verificado)     Mar, 25/06/2024 - 08:50

Good works deserves good recommendation! 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑!!
I was heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr.Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spiritual problems or any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you with no side effect. Here his contact. WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: , His website:

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