Grupo de Estudio y Trabajo "Red de Ultra Baja Densidad de Maíz"


  • Mejía Álvarez, C.A; Rotili, D.H.; D’Andrea, K.E.;  Ciampitti, I.A.; Abeledo, L.G.; Maddonni, G.Á. 2024. Tillering and N economy of low-density maize crops. Field Crops Res.

  • Maltese, N; Maddonni, G.A.; Melchiori, R.J.M.; Ciampitti, I.A.; Caviglia, O.P. 2023. The allometric relationships between biomass and nitrogen of vegetative organs affect crop N status in maize at silking stage. Field Crops Res. (

  • D´Andrera, K.E.; Parco, M.; Maddonni, G.A. 2022.Maize prolificacy under contrasting plant densities and N supplies: II. Growth per plant, biomass partitioning to apical and sub-apical ears during the critical period and kernel setting. Field Crops Res.

  • Rotili, D.H.; Martínez Larrea, S.; Abeledo, L.G.; Maddonni, G. A. 2022.Grain yield and kernel setting of multiple-shoot and/or multiple-ear maize hybrids. Field Crops Res.

  • Parco, M.; D´Andrea, K.; Maddonni. G. A. 2022. Maize prolificacy under contrasting plant densities and N supplies: I. Plant growth, biomass allocation and development of apical and sub- apical ears from floral induction to silking. Field Crops. Res.


  • Rotili, D.H.; Sadras, V.O.; Abeledo, L.G.; Ferreyra, J.M.; Micheloud, J.R.; Duarte, G.; Giron, P.; Ermacora, M.; Maddonni, G.A. 2021. Impacts of vegetative and reproductive plasticity associated with tillering in maize crops in low-yielding environments: A physiological framework. Field Crops Res.

  • Maltese, N.E.; Maddonni, G.A.; Melchiori, R.J.M.; Caviglia, O.P. 2021. Plant nitrogen status at flowering and kernel set efficiency in early- and late-sown maize crops. Field Crops Res. 

  • Veenstra, R.L.; Messina, C.D.; Berning, D.; Haag, L.A.; Carter, P.; Hefley, T.J.; Vara Prasad, P.V.; Ciampitti, I.A. 2021. Effect of tillers on corn yield: Exploring trait plasticity potential in unpredictable environments. Crop Sci. DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20576

  • Maddonni, G.A.; Parco, M.; Rotili, D. 2021. Manejo de la estructura del cultivo de maiz en ambientes marginales de Argentina. Rev. Facultad de Agronomía UBA, 41 (2) 90-105

  • Rotili, D.H.; Eyre, J.; deVoil, P.; Serafin, L.; Aisthorpe, D.; Maddonni, G.; Rodriguez, D. 2020. Untangling genotype x management interactions in multi-environment on-farm experimentation. Field Crops Res. (

  • Parco, M.; Ciampitti, I. A.; D’Andrea, K. E.; Maddonni, G. A. 2020. Prolificacy and nitrogen internal efficiency in maize crops. Field Crops Res. 256 (2020) 107912

  • Rotili, D.H.; Abeledo, L. G.; deVoil, P.; Rodríguez, D.; Maddonni, G. A. 2020. Exploring the effect of tillers on the water economy, plant growth and kernel set of low-density maize crops. Agricultural Water Management.

  • Rotili, D.H., Giorno, A., Maddonni, G.A. 2019. Expansion of maize production in a semi-arid region of Argentina: climatic and edaphic constraints and their implications on crop management. Agricultural Water Management 225, 105761.

  • Maddonni, G.A., Blanco, M.E., Giorno, A., Rotili, D.H., Parco, M. 2019. Bajando densidades en zonas marginales en el sur de Buenos Aires. Actas XXVII Congreso AAPRESID.

  • Ciancio, N., Parco, M., Incognito, S.J.P., Maddonni, G.A. 2016. Kernel setting at the apical and sub-apical ear of older and newer Argentinean maize hybrids.  Field Crops Res. 191, 101-110.

  • Rotili, D.H.; Maddonni, G.A. 2016. Desarrollo vegetativo y reproductivo de vástagos de diferente orden de tres híbridos comerciales de maíz en dos densidades de siembra. Revista Agronomía y Ambiente. 36 (1-2): 1-4.